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What your face says about your health

Face mapping is a most trustworthy practice used in the ancient Indian medical tradition Ayurveda, which links a particular area of your face to an internal organ and tells you what to fix inside in order to set right the outer symptoms. Accordingly, based on the clues your face provides, you can find out which of your organs is in trouble.

Since ancient times, when ultrasound or CT scanners were not an option, practitioners and medicine men have used the method of observing the patients’ faces to explain the symptoms they experienced. We are not saying that this technique is as accurate as the X-ray investigation methods available today, but the changes we notice on our faces are an indication that we should see a specialist as soon as possible.

So, let us see what your face parts are trying to tell you when they start to look different from usual.

Deep lines between the eyebrows

Typically, the wrinkles that run across our faces are caused by worries and anxiety. Considering this, it is recommended that we try and find out which of our internal organs are most affected by stress, and we can do so by closely examining each wrinkle on our face. If the vertical line between your eyebrows is on the right side of your face, it is a sign that your negative emotions, such as anger and irritability, are affecting your liver. If the line is on the left side, it means that your concerns, remorse or depression has a negative impact on your spleen. In a situation like this, any medical specialist will recommend you a lot of rest and relaxation. So make use of any method you can possibly think of to free yourself from stress and recharge your batteries: walking, strolling in nature, using advanced technologies for cellular regeneration, reading, dancing, listening to music, meditation, sports or any other technique that works for you.


The eyes are like an open book; therefore, any change in the aspect of your eyes may be a sign of disease. For instance, small spots occurring on the iris are a symptom of joint problems, and white spots are a warning that these problems have already reached an advanced stage. Multiple spots on your iris are a sign that your body has difficulties in absorbing the nutrients it needs, while a yellow tint in your eyes may hint at a weakened liver. Moreover, if your lower eyelids are swollen, it means that your kidney function might be impaired; in this case, the first action you must take is to increase your water intake.


Cheek skin patches and discoloration may indicate a slow metabolism and a poor absorption of nutrients such as foliate and iron. Ayurvedic teachings associate cheeks to the lungs; therefore, if your face turns red after a workout session, it means that you do not breathe the way you should.

Lower lip

It is an external indicator of how well your intestines work. Brown spots on your lip may suggest a digestive problem and lack of enzymes, and possibly the presence of parasites or worms in your intestines. If this is the case, using probiotics may be helpful. Pale lips are the first sign pointing to anemia, while a bluish tint may indicate poor oxygenation or even a heart condition. And, last but not least, a discoloration of your lower lip may signal an imbalance affecting your intestines, while a discoloration of the edges could mean a problem with your kidneys.


The tongue is the place where signs of many internal imbalances stand out, which is why you should examine it every morning. Circular white residues in the middle or the back of your tongue indicate that an excessive amount of toxins has piled up in your intestines or in your colon, which means it is high time for a detox. Small bumps or abrasions occurring on the tip of your tongue may suggest a possible lung disease or malfunction, which should be enough to convince you to see a specialist, at least as a precaution measure, to start practicing a type of physical activity or to take more walks, preferably in nature.


Changes in the skin structure, such as the occurrence of spots on your chin, hint at stress and hormonal imbalances. When you notice such changes, the first steps you can take are towards a healthy sleep routine and more physical exercise.

Today there are many effective methods we can use to diagnose the problems hiding inside our bodies; however, observing the changes and signs our faces display is a handy and costless method. While not 100% accurate, this method can provide valuable clues about your health. As for what happens next, medical specialists are most qualified to advise you what to do and how.

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